Who We Are
Established in 1975, the Meherbai Tata Memorial Hospital (MTMH) was inaugurated by JRD Tata. The comprehensive cancer care centre has catered to patients from Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, and Nepal since then. In 2018, Tata Trusts stepped in with a grant to expand the facilities, infrastructure, and level of treatment at MTMH, and it has now become a state-of-the-art referral centre for cancer patients in Jharkhand.
MTMH supports below-poverty-line patients through the MTMH poor bed fund and through donations received from both corporate and private donors. It is a designated Ayushman centre. OPD consultation is free for BPL patients. For the convenience of attendants, MTMH facilitates TWU and Rotary shelters.

What We Do
Making state-of-the-art cancer care accessible to all
The Meherbai Tata Memorial Hospital (MTMH) caters to below-poverty-line patients by arranging grants through government schemes or private donations. It is empanelled for Mukhyamantri Gambhir Bimari Yojana and the Ayushman Bharat scheme. Patients can avail of special aid for childhood malignancies. It has tied up with corporate and public sectors to provide cancer care to its employees.
Treatment with advanced radiotherapy equipment
The Department of Radiation Oncology, MTMH treats patients with Varian True Beam LINAC and GammaMedplus HDR Brachytherapy – capable of some of the most advanced radiotherapy procedures such as 3DCRT, Electron Therapy, IMRT, IGRT and SBRT.
Availability of Super specialists
The Department of Medical Oncology, MTMH has three experienced consultants specialising in Medical Oncology. Besides solid tumours, they routinely treat leukaemia and other haematological malignancies.
Special treatment wards designed for maximum efficiency
The hospital is equipped with special neutropenia cabins and wards to ensure the safety of leukaemia patients. There are also separate daycare chemotherapy wards and specialised low-dose therapy wards for the treatment of hormone-resistant prostate cancer.
Well-equipped OPD and tie-up with Tata Main Hospital (TMH), Jamshedpur
Surgical oncologists, general surgeons, and gynaecologists are available for OPD consultation, while minor surgical procedures can be performed in the OPD procedure room. Patients requiring surgery are seamlessly transferred to TMH.
Special palliative care unit
MTMH has a dedicated palliative care unit, funded by the Suri Seva Foundation and helmed by specialists with more than 20 years of experience in the field.
State-of-the-art diagnostic centre
The diagnostic centre at MTMH is equipped with two CT machines (128-slice and 32-slice emergency CT), a 3 Tesla MRI, a 1.5 Tesla MRI, PET-CT, ultrasound, digital mammography, and digital X-ray facilities. CT-guided and ultrasound-guided biopsies, as well as FNAC, are routinely done.
Critical Care Set up
Nuclear Medicine Department
The department of Nuclear Medicine has a routine PET CT Scan and a Low-Dose Therapy ward, where 177-Lu PSMA therapy is available for hormone-resistant prostate cancer.
Setup of a multi-disciplinary tumour board
A specialist-helmed multi-disciplinary tumour board has been set up to ensure that all patients get the best treatment plan at MTMH.
NABL Accredited Pathology Laboratory
Pathology provides immunohistochemistry as an advanced test, besides histopathology, cytology, tumour markers, drug levels like Methotrexate and routine tests. Real-time PCR-based EGFR panel, HRHPV on FFPE, BCR ABL with IS% on Peripheral and bone marrow samples are also carried out.