Established in 1975, the Pathology Lab has grown to match the requirements of Oncology diagnosis and speciality care. The department is well supported by updated automation and well-trained, dedicated, experienced technical staff to carry out the special investigations required for oncology.
The Pathology department hosts an in-house automated IHC analyser, a Serum tumour marker (CLIA) analyser of the best possible configuration, which is available at select centres only. The department is well equipped to handle Biopsy processing for delicate core biopsies to robust oncosurgical specimens, with thorough dissection for detailed reporting as per CAP guidelines, pTNM staging, and IHC.
Breast cancer cases undergo comprehensive workup with Trucut biopsy followed by in-house hormonal assessment, Her2neu, and Ki67 markers, all within a week to be discussed at the Tumour Board for further treatment protocol.
Feasibility for submission of cases to be reviewed histopathologically
and guidance on further therapeutic decisions are offered by Histopathologists, both for in-house and outside cases.
All the above services are enrolled for quality assurance (EQAS) with nationally accredited organisations like ISHTM-AIIMS (Delhi), CMC Vellore and National Cancer Grid-NCG (TMH Mumbai).
What we offer
Complete haematological & Biochemical tests profile including Hormone assay
- Serum Methotrexate assay results available within a short period
- Fine needle aspiration cytology (Direct & Imaging guidance) for all types of lesions
- Comprehensive body fluid analysis including biochemical, cytological and cell block preparation, facilitated by IHC (in feasible cases)
- PAP smear cytology and HPV screening facility
- Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy (admission/outdoor basis) with flowcytometry*, cytogenetics* and IHC assessment
- Cytochemistry – MPO, PAS
- Small & large tissue excision biopsy processing for cancerous and noncancerous specimens
- Core and needle biopsy processing and reporting within 4 days
- Slide and block review with second opinion including special tests confirmation
- Immunohistochemistry
- Pathologist consultation available
- Molecular Testing in-house and real-time PCR-based EGFR panel, HRHPV on FFPE, BCR-ABL1 IS% on peripheral and bone marrow samples
Quality assurance standards
NABL (ISO 15189:2012) Accreditation in Haematology, Biochemistry, and
EQAS certifications
- CMC Vellore for Biochemistry and Immunoassays
- ISHTM AIIMS for Haematology
- NCG EQUAS for Histopathology and IHC
Unique features
- Inhouse IHC facilities
- Comprehensive cancer biopsy processing and reporting of the case as per NCCN guidelines
- In-house serum tumour markers and hormone assays available on a wide range
- Tumour board assessment with a complete review of reports and case discussion for treatment planning
- Two dedicated, full-time Consultants and a qualified Technical team to perform special tests as indicated above
- Routine: 9:00 am – 6.00 pm.
- Extended: 7.00 am – 7.00 pm
- Online/Telephonic appointment available during working hours (9:00-6:00 pm)
* indicates outsourced
** Immunohistochemistry for ER PR Her2neu Ki67 index Inhouse. Other markers as customised panels outsourced at competitive rates from reliable, internationally accredited agencies
#CA125, CEA, CA19.9, CA15.3, AFP, LDH, BHCG, PSA,
LH, FSH, T3, T4, TSH, VitB12, Folate, VITD3
Doctors in the department

Dr Vanita Pandey